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Customize product details, media and pricing for TikTok Shop
Customize product details, media and pricing for TikTok Shop
ShoppeDance avatar
Written by ShoppeDance
Updated over a week ago

ShoppeDance VeriSync can provide you the freedom to fully control and customize the product information you send to TikTok Shop. The customization is only sent to TikTok Shop and doesn't overwrite your original eCommerce product listings.

This feature is only available to "synced" products (product listings published to TikTok Shop by ShoppeDance VeriSync). For mapped products, you just need to update the product information in TikTok Shop.

Customize product title and description

You can customize a product title and description if you don't want to keep the original title and description from your eCommerce store.

Customize price

You can customize the price to show a different price on TikTok Shop. You can set different prices for different variant and SKUs.

Customize media

You can customize the main media images, by uploading new images or removing the existing images.

You can also customize variant images by replacing the existing images or uploading a new one.

If you enable variant images for a product listing, TikTok Shop will require all variants to have an assigned image. If any variant does not have an image, ShoppeDance will assign the main media image to those variants.

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